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2016年以来,受经济增速放缓、营改增减收等其他减收因素影响,全国一般公共预算收入增幅继续走低。在财政收入增速回落、收支矛盾加大的情况下,有关部门加强支出预算执行管理,及时拨付财政资金,切实保障了稳增长、惠民生等重点支出需要。2017年,国内外经济环境更加复杂多变,经济下行压力和财政收支平衡压力进一步加大,建议我国实行更加积极的财政政策,适当扩大财政赤字规模和债券发行规模,进一步落实和完善减税降费政策,积极推进财税体制改革,有效化解地方政府债务风险,充分发挥财税政策支持实体经济发展、提升就业和民生保障水平、促进新经济新动能成长壮大的重要功能。 Since 2016, due to the slowdown in economic growth and other reduction factors such as the increase or decrease in camp reform, the growth of the general public budget revenue in the country continued to decline. With the growth of fiscal revenue declining and the discrepancy between revenues and expenditures increased, the relevant departments stepped up implementation and management of expenditure budgets and timely disbursed financial funds to earnestly guarantee the need for such key expenditures as steady growth and benefiting the people’s livelihood. In 2017, the economic environment at home and abroad will become more complicated and changeable. With the downward pressure on the economy and the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure, China will be urged to adopt a more proactive fiscal policy, appropriately expand the size of the fiscal deficit and the size of bond issuances, and further implement and improve tax cuts We will vigorously promote the reform of the fiscal and taxation system and effectively defuse the debts of local governments. We will give full play to the important functions of fiscal and taxation policies in supporting the development of the real economy, enhancing the level of employment and livelihood security, and promoting the growth and expansion of the new dynamism of the new economy.
例1(2011年桂林)一定条件下,一定量的化合物A和O2恰好完全反应,生成44g CO2和9 g H2O,则A物质的相对分子质量不可能是A.26 B.40 C.58 D.90 Under certain conditions (Guili
目的:研究高糖培养的大鼠肾小球系膜细胞(mesangial cells,MC)中四氢生物蝶呤(tetrahydrobiopterin,BH4)合成水平的变化,并探讨其对一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)生成的调节作用。 
目的:克隆得到竹节参、狭叶竹节参、羽叶三七及珠子参β-AS基因 gDNA序列全长,利用主流软件对4条β-AS基因gDNA序列结构进行初步预测分析,为今后深入研究打好基础。同时,对其对应
获得投资人的青睐无疑是很多企业家的梦想,而在企业家看来这些手握重金,高高在上的投资人对企业家究竟有什么样的要求?什么样的企业家才是投资人寻找的对象?究竟满足什么标准才算是合格的企业家呢?在与诸多的投资人接触中我们发现,投资人在挑选合作的企业家的时候往往会遵循以下标准。    一、自信的    自信对企业家而言无疑有特殊重要的意义,自信的企业家目标明确,行动果断,勇于接受挫折和挑战,在企业遇到困难时