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改革开放给我国道路运输市场发展带来了广阔发展前景,各地相继采取了一系列开放搞活运输市场的改革措施,允许道路运输多家经营,鼓励社会各方投资兴办道路运输业,几年功夫,运力长足增长,基本解决了运输难的问题,尤其是社会个体运力发展迅猛,初步形成了社会主义初级阶段道路运输市场体系雏型。如何使其进一步持续健康发展,本文拟谈些粗浅看法,与同行共讨。 一、当前道路运输市场存在的问题 1.宏观调控不力。在运输市场开放的初期,曾一度忽略了与市场相配套的一系列环境,特别是未严把“准入关”,过份强调“量”的增长,忽略“质”(车型、等级)的需求,随之而来的是市场功能发生紊乱。于是,出现了:车站、货场、道路等配套设施在短期内不适应,造成运力相对 Reform and opening up have brought broad prospects for the development of the road transport market in our country. Various places have adopted a series of reform measures to open up and revitalize the transport market in succession, allowing more transportations by roads and encouraging all sectors of society to invest in the road transport industry. Transport capacity has grown rapidly and basically solved the problem of transportation difficulties. In particular, the rapid growth of social individual capacity has initially formed the prototype of the road transport market system in the initial stage of socialism. How to make it further sustainable and healthy development, this article intended to talk about some superficial views, discuss with colleagues. First, the current road transport market problems 1. Macro-control ineffective. In the early days of the opening up of the transport market, a series of environments that matched the market were overlooked for a time. In particular, the “access control” was not strictly enforced, the growth of “quantity” was overemphasized, and the “quality” (models, grades) Demand, with the ensuing market disorder. As a result, there has been: stations, freight yards, roads and other facilities do not meet in the short term, resulting in capacity relative
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