来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics(Ser.B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grand666
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A newly developed turbulence measurement instrument is introduced in the paper.The transducer of the device is based on the principle of the effect of silicon piezoresistance that isintegrated in a Wheatstone bridge on a pure silicon beam. At one end of the beam, a small lightball is installed as the target forced by the water flow. The other parts are prevented from thewater flow with a sophisticated stainless steel tube. The instrument can be used to measure turbu-lent velocities either in clear Water or in flows bearing hyperconcentration of sediment. It can al-so be used to measure velocities in both glass flume and model experiments as well as in pipe ex-periment by being mounted in a special way. A newly developed turbulence measurement instrument is introduced in the paper. The transducer of the device is based on the principle of the effect of silicon piezoresistance that is integrated in a Wheatstone bridge on a pure silicon beam. At one end of the beam, a small lightball is installed as the target forced by the water flow. The other parts are prevented from the water flow with a sophisticated stainless steel tube. The instrument can be used to measure turbu-lent velocities either in clear Water or in flows bearing hyperconcentration of sediment. It. can al-so be used to measure velocities in both glass flume and model experiments as well as in pipe ex-periment by being mounted in a special way.
In this paper, various forms of non-hydrostatic model with different handling of the elastic adaptation process are analysed and compared. Some new models are s
【摘要】近年来,英语在人们日常生活中的应用越来越广泛,为了与时俱进,许多高中学校加强了对英语的教学力度。而语法一直是英语教学的重点和难点,因此,对高中英语语法教学进行调查研究,可以使英语教师更好地开展教学工作,也可以使学生接受到更好的英语教育,从而提高教学质量。  【关键词】高中学生 英语语法 教学  英语是国际交流上一门重要的语言,学生学好英语未来能够更好的就业。而对于英语教学来说,语法一直是十
【摘要】阅读教学在初中英语课程教学中十分重要,占据着较大的比例,在整个教育活动中占据着较为关键的地位。为此,不少初中英语教师为提升阅读教学质量,实现教学目标和完成教学任务,全力提升课堂教学活力,以此促使学生主动学习英语知识。本文以如何提高初中英语阅读课堂活力为探讨对象,同时提出一些有效的教学方法。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读课堂活力  在初中英语课程教学活动中,阅读不仅是学生学习英语知识的重点内容
The heat capacities of La(NCS)<sub>3</sub>. 7H<sub>2</sub>O and Ce(NCS)<sub>3</sub>. 7H<sub>2</sub>O have been measured from 13 to 300K with a fully-automated adiab
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