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吉林日报的关于好头行人运动的报道,是从今年二月八日发表好生产队长刘希廷的典型材料开始的,到现在已經有五个多月了,这个报道現在仍在继续进行。这次报道时間之长、規模之大、影响之广,在吉林日报来说是空前的。好头行人运动开始时,全省农村正在开展社会主义教育运动,广大农村基层干部經过一段时間的社会主义教育之后,党悟大大提高,迫切要求改进思想作風,把集体經济搞好。在这种情况下,报紙有責任及时抓住典型,树立榜样,拿出活教材,推动社会主义教育深入地开展起来。我們根据省委指示,在报紙上发表了刘希廷的先进事迹以后,立即在全省广大农村干部和社員中引起了广泛的反响:許多队干部不仅向党組織和群众表示,决心做刘希廷式的好头行人,并且写信给編輯部,談学习刘希廷事迹后的感想。参加《怎样当好生产队的头行人》的討論; The Jilin Daily’s report on the good head pedestrian movement started from the typical publication of good captain Liu Xiting on February 8 this year and has been going on for more than five months now. The report is still going on. The long time of this report, the scale and the wide influence are unprecedented in the Jilin Daily. At the beginning of a good pedestrian movement, the socialist education movement is being carried out in the rural areas of the province. After a long period of socialist education, the grassroots cadres in the rural areas have greatly raised their awareness of the party and urged them to improve their ideological style and improve the collective economy. Under such circumstances, the newspapers have the responsibility to grasp the typicals in time, set an example, come up with live teaching materials and promote socialist education in depth. According to the instructions of the provincial party committee, after we published the advanced deeds of Liu Xiting in the newspapers, we immediately aroused widespread repercussions among the vast numbers of rural cadres and members in our province. Many cadres, not only the party organizations and the masses, expressed their determination to be good at Liu Xiting Head pedestrians, and wrote to the editorial department, talk about the feelings of studying the story of Liu Xiting. Participate in the discussion of “How to be a head pedestrian of a production team.”
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三月间,在淮阴市优秀通讯员表彰大会上,大家异口同声地赞美一位通讯员。他的名字叫张雷激,是盱眙县委宣传部的通讯报道员。一九七八年,他从部队 In March, at Huaiyin City