豆种“惹事” 法官“评理”

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日前,淮阴市中级人民法院审结一起因黄豆种子质量不合格导致一种植大户103亩土地绝收而引起的种子质量损害赔偿案,出售不合格黄豆种的安徽省某市种子公司被依法判决赔偿损失5万余元1997年6月14日,苏北某县种植大户刘宝河从安徽省某市种子公司购买1000公斤黄豆种,价值人民币4600元。播种后不久,刘宝河发现该豆种发牙率低,出苗稀少,与说明书不符,便请农艺师勘验。农艺师认为系豆种问题所致刘宝河便多次发电报给该种子公司告知情况并请来人处理。1997年7月11日,该种子公司副经理徐某等人来到现场,经实地观察后承认豆种发牙率确有问题。当日,双方签订一份协议书议定由种子公司无偿提供价值1600元的200公斤绿豆种给刘宝河补种,绿豆收获后由种子公司收购。因土壤含水量大等客观原因,刘宝河未能实施机械化耕种以后又连降大雨,致绿豆种未能 Recently, Huaiyin Intermediate People’s Court concluded a case of compensation for the loss of seed quality caused by a crop failure of 103 acres of land resulting from the unqualified quality of soybean seeds. The seed company in a city in Anhui Province that sold unqualified soybean varieties was legally ordered to compensate for losses 5 Million yuan On June 14, 1997, Liu Baohe, a large-scale plantation in a county in northern Jiangsu Province, purchased 1,000 kg of soybean seed from a city seed company in Anhui Province, with a value of 4,600 yuan. Soon after sowing, Liu Baohe found that the odoratum rate of the beans is low, sparsely populated, inconsistent with the instructions, they asked the agronomists survey. Agronomists think Liu Baoyu caused by soybean problems will be reported to the seed several times and invited people to deal with. July 11, 1997, the seed company vice president Xu and others came to the scene, after the field observation admitted that the odds ratio of beans is indeed a problem. Day, the two sides signed a letter of agreement agreed by the seed companies to provide free value of 1,600 yuan worth of 200 kg of mung bean species to Liu Baohe replant, mung bean harvest acquired by the seed company. Due to the objective factors such as large soil moisture content, Liu Baohe failed to implement mechanized farming and then heavy rains, mung bean species failed
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律师同志:您好!我是岳西县的一名农民。我所居住的村子由于比较穷,还没有用上电,一直都用煤油灯来照明。 Lawyer: Hello! I am a farmer in Yuexi County. Due to their poo
1999年3月18日,安徽省淮南市潘集区。 March 18, 1999, Panji District, Huainan City, Anhui Province.