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抽象函数是指没有给出函数的具体解析式,但给出了函数满足的一部分性质或运算法则的函数问题。抽象函数问题是高中数学函数部分的难点,也是高中与大学函数部分的衔接点。由于这类试题既能全面地考查学生对函数概念的理解及性质的代数推理和论证能力,又能综合考查学生对数学符号语言的理解和接受能力,以及对一般和特殊关系的认识,因而备受高考命题者的青睐。考试中抽象函数多在选择题和填空题出现。 Abstract function refers to the specific analytic expression that does not give the function, but gives the function of the part of the nature or algorithm to meet the function of the problem. The problem of abstract function is the difficulty of high school math function part, also the connection point of high school and university function part. Because these questions can not only fully examine the student's understanding of the concept of function and the algebraic reasoning and argumentation ability of nature, but also comprehensively examine the student's understanding and acceptance of the mathematical notation language, as well as the understanding of general and special relations, Favored by the college entrance examination proposition. Abstraction of the exam function in the multiple choice and fill in the blank question appears.
在新课程改革以来,随堂实验在课堂教学活动中不仅是一种实验技术手段,它更具有很强的媒体功能,是“教师引导和学生自我探索相结合”的全新教学模式的载体。尤其是我们激发 S
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