
来源 :中国表面工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A88833238
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2015年12月4日,《中国表面工程》收到EI Compendex通知,自2016年1月起,期刊被正式列入EI Compendex检索刊源。EI是主要收录工程技术期刊文献和会议文献的大型检索系统,与《科学引文索引(SCI)》和《科技会议录索引(ISTP)》并列为国际最著名的三大数据库。2015年EI在全球范围内共收录期刊4 859种,其中中国大陆出版的中文期刊160种。《中国表面工程》期刊此次成为EI检索源核心刊,标志其学术质量和编辑质量达到国内领先水平。 On December 4, 2015, Surface Engineering of China received notification from EI Compendex. Since January 2016, the journal has been formally listed in EI Compendex Search Sources. EI is a large-scale retrieval system that mainly collects literature and conference proceedings of engineering technology. It is also listed as the three most famous databases in the world with “Scientific Citation Index (SCI)” and “Science and Technology Conference Index (ISTP)”. In 2015, EI collected 4,859 periodicals worldwide, of which 160 were Chinese periodicals published in mainland China. The journal “China Surface Engineering” has become the EI core source journal, marking its academic quality and editing quality to the leading domestic level.
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