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本文作者华尔特·阿伦(Walter Allen)是英国的批评家、小说家,著有《作家论创作》、《论英国小说》和小说《七十年》。他的一些“理论”,经常受到英国进步作家如阿诺德·凱图的严正批驳。这里,我们又一次看到了他的谬论。从这篇文章,我们可以看出今天英国的资产阶级作家是多么的敌视进步文学,他们不惜颠倒黑白,把劳伦斯写的那类黄色、淫秽的东西强加在工人阶级文学身上,以达到污蔑英国工人阶级文学和欺骗读者的目的。据我们知道的,英国工人阶级在文学上远不是作者所形容的那样默不出声的。50年前,英国罗伯特·特列塞就写过一部描写工人阶级的最好的小说《穿破裤子的慈善家》,它被誉为社会主义现实主义文学在英国的巨大成就。至于本世纪30年代前后,我们就看到了R·福克斯,C·考特威尔,A·威斯特这些进步作家的作品,而在目前,我们不仅看到了杰克·林赛、奥尔德里奇、A·凱图等人的创作,还看到了一些真正出身工人阶级如兰·多赫蒂(《矿工的儿子》的作者)、H·施米斯、D·兰姆勃特等人的反映当代工人阶级斗争生活的作品,他如苏格兰诗人休·麦克台尔米德,威尔斯小说家格文·托玛斯都是当代有名的进步作家。但作者却把这些事实全都抹杀了。本文的一个最恶毒的论点是把英国工党说成是代表英国工人阶级的,而绝口不提英国共产党,企此使人们看不见今天英国的阶级斗争现实。英国工党是欺骗工人阶级和出售工人阶级利益的一个政党;它的领导人都是些“工人贵族”,所代表的仍旧是资产阶级的利益。而本文里面所捧的那些所谓“工人阶级作家”,尽管我们没有读到他们的作品,肯定也是些受了英国资产阶级教育,而丧失了自己工人阶级立埸的人。 The writer Walter Allen is a British critic and novelist, author of The Creation of Writers, The British Novel and Seventy Years. Some of his “theories” are often solemnly refuted by progressive English writers such as Arnold Kittu. Here again, we see his fallacy. From this essay, we can see how bourgeois writers in Britain today are hostile to progressive literature. They turn black and white and impose the yellow and obscene things Lawrence wrote on working-class literature to slander British workers Class literature and the purpose of deceiving readers. As far as we know, the British working class is far less literary than the author described it. Fifty years ago, Robert Tresser of England wrote a best-of-breed philanthropist who described the working class as a philanthropist wearing pants and was hailed as a great accomplishment of socialist realism in the United Kingdom. As for the 30’s of this century, we have seen the work of progressive writers such as R. Fox, C. Courtell, and A. West. At the moment, not only do we see Jack Lindsay, Aldrich , A. Ketu and others, and also saw contemporary people who reflect the contemporary working class such as Langho Doherty (the son of the Miner), H. Schmies, D. Lambert and others Works of the working class struggle life, such as Scottish poet Hugh McDermand, Wells novelist Gervin Thomas are well-known contemporary progressive writer. But the author has denied all these facts. One of the most vicious arguments in this article is to portray the British Labor Party as representing the working class in Britain, without mentioning the British Communist Party, so that people can not see the reality of class struggle in Britain today. The British Labor Party is a political party that deceives the working class and sells the interests of the working class. Its leaders are all “working people” and represent the interests of the bourgeoisie. And the so-called “working-class writers” in this article, though we have not read their works, must have been those who had received British bourgeois education and lost their working class.
正常人的血压呈现明显昼高夜低的节律性变化,血压夜间睡眠期间最低,清晨迅速上升,这种清晨血压从夜间睡眠期间较低水平上迅速升高的现象被称为血压晨冲(Blood Pressure Morni
在对大量个体的动态血压监测(A B P M)中发现昼夜(24小时)A B P M结果有时不能完全准确地反应个体血压的近日节律性,本研究对5位受试者的24小时A B P和活动监测结果作了初步
云南省潞西市位于我国西南边陲,与缅甸接壤,主体少数民族是傣族和景颇族,多种少数民族并居。自1989年发现首例艾滋病病毒(H IV)感染者以来,感染人数逐年增多,且由20世纪90年
目的了解铁路部门艾滋病防治宣传教育工作执行情况。方法采用问卷调查方法,在全路17个铁路局收集资料。结果 2004-2008年,二等以上客运车站设立艾滋病宣传栏的覆盖率为72.2%,
目的 探讨中西医结合治疗早期糖尿病的疗效.方法:30例患者按随机的原则分为治疗组和对照组两组,治疗组用西药加中药糖肾冲剂治疗,对照组单用西药治疗两组疗程均为3个月,检测