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近日,首届“中国电采暖行业高峰论坛”在京成功召开。来自全国的电采暖专家、学者及各地的电采暖企业、经销商代表近百人参加了此次论坛。在本届论坛上,围绕着我国独立电采暖的发展历程、市场应用方向及前景分析、电采暖标准介绍与解读、几种电发热元件、材料的特点及优势比较、电采暖设备创新方向探讨等电采暖行业最 Recently, the first “China Electric Heating Industry Summit Forum” was successfully held in Beijing. Electric heating experts, scholars and electric heating enterprises and distributors from all over China attended the forum. In this forum, around the development of independent electric heating in our country, the market direction and prospects of the application, electric heating standard introduction and interpretation of several electric heating elements, the characteristics and advantages of materials, electrical heating equipment innovation direction discussion Electric heating industry most
某山区粮食加工场S195柴油机油头(即喷油嘴)顶杆部件钢球破碎,机手修理时大走弯路,直接损失几百元。 机手因柴油机不能起动,而来一个大保养,更换了缸套、活塞、活塞环、主轴
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According to the statistics lately released byChina Gold Association,China’s goldproduction grew by 12.74% in the first quarter this year and gold output in M
In this paper, the cascade flow structures influenced by the position of the obstacle inserted in the downstream now are presented. The experiments were conduct
1877年8月15日,已经进入不惑之年的赫谢尔躺在他办公室里的一张沙发上,这时,因阿米巴痢疾和几次热病的摧残,使得他的身体十分虚弱。但他的心中却仍勃发着一股执著 On Augus
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<正> 《临淮王像碑》通高444、宽160、厚19厘米。青石质,原碑座已佚,现有碑座为后配(图一)。碑首作半圆形,高129厘米,以高浮雕技法刻两条俯首盘旋的巨龙,中题阳文篆书“司空公青州刺史临淮王像碑”3行12字(图二、三),字径17厘米,中有界格,题额两侧各有一小佛像。碑的正文为隶书,29行,满行58字,原文共1635字。现存1500字(图四、五)。碑阴刻“龙兴之寺”四个大字,字径67厘米,正书,原系唐代李邕书青州龙兴寺寺额,金皇