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本刊讯巴陵石化环氧树脂事业部坚持紧盯市场和狠抓现场相结合,努力做大总量,着力拓市增销,充分挖掘内部潜力。一季度,该部产销量双双超过1.6万吨,均超过去年同期,其中3月份巴陵牌环氧树脂销量7086吨,环比销量翻番,创月度销量历史新高。今年初,该事业部树脂优化中心为提高增值空间,抓住市场采购有利时期推价顺价,并多次走访客户,加强沟通,帮助解决应用问 The Baling Petrochemical Epoxy Division adhere to keep a close eye on the market and pay close attention to the scene, and strive to enlarge the total amount of efforts to expand the market extension, fully tap internal potential. In the first quarter, both the production and sales volume of the ministry exceeded 16,000 tons, surpassing the same period of last year. Among them, the sales volume of Baling epoxy resin in March was 7086 tons, double the sales volume of the chain, and hit a record high monthly sales volume. Earlier this year, the resin optimization center of the division to enhance the value-added space, seize the favorable market price during the purchase price, and repeated visits to customers, to enhance communication, to help solve the application of Q
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5月25日,面向全球滨海发展中国家举办的“发展中国家海洋生物实用养殖技术培训班”学员在泉州考察海洋渔业发展情况。 On May 25, trainees held a survey on the developme
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.