开展快乐读书行动 搭建幸福交流平台

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为落实好“吉林省长春市双阳区培训提升计划”和打造吉林省长春市双阳区太平镇中心小学“幸福教育”主题学校文化品牌,结合我校实际,科学规划系列读书行动,积极开展主题读书交流活动,构建了“自主阅读——分层表达”的读书流程,形成了“推荐—自选—阅读—交流”团队自主读书管理模式。突出抓好四个结合、彰显读书文化成为打造“幸福教育”主题学校文化的主渠道。营造读书育人氛围,树立终身读书和读书提升内涵的理念。 In order to implement the “Training Promotion Plan of Shuangyang District in Changchun City, Jilin Province” and build the school culture brand of “Happiness Education” in Taiping Town Central Primary School, Shuangyang District, Changchun, Jilin Province, Actively carry out the theme of book exchange activities, build “independent reading - hierarchical expression ” reading process, formed a “recommended - optional - reading - exchange ” team independent reading management mode. Outstanding grasp of the four combinations, highlighting the book culture to become “happiness education ” theme of the main channel of school culture. Create a reading atmosphere of education, establish lifelong reading and reading to enhance the concept of connotation.
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