心脏骤停4次呼吸停止6 h复苏成功体会

来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijiarose
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心脏骤停为内科最急症,其生存率很低,经及时抢救可能存活。根据不同情况,其生存率在5%~60%之间。抢救成功的关键是尽早进行心肺复苏(CPR)和尽早进行复律治疗。本例心脏骤停4次,呼吸停止6h,复苏成功且无后遗症,实属罕见。现总结如下。案例1患者,某男,61岁。因突发意识不清,口唇 Cardiac arrest is the most urgent medical condition, its survival rate is very low, may be survived after timely rescue. According to different circumstances, the survival rate of 5% to 60%. The key to successful rescue is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early cardioversion as soon as possible. This case of cardiac arrest 4 times, breathing stopped 6h, successful recovery and no sequelae, it is rare. Now summarized as follows. Case 1 patient, a man, 61 years old. Due to sudden unconsciousness, lips
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