Preparation and photoluminescence properties of Dy~(3+)-doped Ba_3Lu(PO_4)_3 phosphors

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifengno1
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Ba_3Lu(PO_4)_3:Dy~(3+) phosphors were successfully synthesized by conventional solid state reaction and its photoluminescence properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD),photoluminescence spectra and diffuse reflectance spectra,respectively.Results showed that the phosphor could be excited by the ultraviolet visible light in the region from 320 to 460 nm,and it showed two dominant emission bands peaking at 484 nm(blue light) and 575 nm(yellow light) which originated from the transitions of~4F_(9/2)→~6H_(15/2) and ~4F_(9/2)→~6H_(13/2) of Dy~(3+),respectively.According to Dexter’s theory,the concentration quenching mechanism occurred via the electric dipole-dipole interaction.The lifetime values of Dy~(3+) ions at different concentrations(x=0.01,0.03,0.05,0.08 and0.10) were determined to be about 0.8556,0.7595,0.6864,0.6059 and 0.5456 ms. Ba_3Lu (PO_4) _3: Dy ~ (3+) phosphors were synthesized by conventional solid state reaction and its photoluminescence properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence spectra and diffuse reflectance spectra, respectively. Results showed that the phosphor could be excited by the ultraviolet visible light in the region from 320 to 460 nm, and it showed two dominant emission bands peaking at 484 nm (blue light) and 575 nm (yellow light) which originated from the transitions of ~4F_ (9 / 2) → ~ 6H_ (15/2) and ~ 4F_ (9/2) → ~ 6H_ (13/2) of Dy ~ (3 +), respectively. According to Dexter’s theory, the concentration quenching mechanism occurred via the electric dipole -dipole interaction. The lifetime values ​​of Dy ~ (3+) ions at different concentrations (x = 0.01,0.03,0.05,0.08 and0.10) were determined to be about 0.8556,0.7595,0.6864,0.6059 and 0.5456 ms.
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