
来源 :社科纵横(新理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingper
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当前我国经济体制深刻变革,社会结构深刻变动,利益格局深刻调整,生活方式深刻变化,导致当前出现了一系列由价值观扭曲而引起的新问题,如,药家鑫事件、小悦悦事件、地沟油事件。文化和价值观的多元化是社会转型的必然结果,也是文化转型建设的主要动因。本文紧密结合十七届六中全会提出的要实现社会主义文化的大发展大繁荣精神和“十二五”经济社会发展规划和文化改革发展规划纲要实施内容要求,在分析当前在社会转型过程中政府部门在履行文化责任上存在问题的基础上,对政府部门如何强化自身的文化责任进行思考并提出建议。 At present, the profound changes in China’s economic structure, profound changes in social structure, profound adjustments in the pattern of interests, and profound changes in lifestyles have led to the emergence of a series of new problems arising from distorted values, such as the Pharmacy Xin Incident, the Yue Yue Incident, the ditch Oil event. The diversification of culture and values ​​is the inevitable result of social transformation and also the major reason for the cultural transformation. This article closely combines the requirements of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee for realizing the great development and prosperity of the socialist culture and the implementation plan of the “12th Five-year Plan” for economic and social development planning and cultural reform and development plan, Based on the existing problems of fulfilling the cultural responsibility, the government departments think and make suggestions on how the government departments should strengthen their own cultural responsibilities.
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第一次采用双语网上直播,网民可以实时参与讨论的“中日文化交流暨传播国际学术研讨会” 8月 12日在京举办。来自中日两国文化界、传播界的 20多名资深专家学者共聚一堂,从文化
跳出主观窠臼的新型评论跃然而出   新闻评论是通过对新闻事实的披露、剖析,阐发观点,发表意见,进而提出媒体对某种具有普遍意义的新闻事件或社会现象的看法。它是媒体的旗帜
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