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2013年12月17日,5位青年科技专家走上长江水利委员会第一期青年科技论坛,百余位青年认真聆听并积极提问,论坛气氛热烈,不时响起热烈的掌声。长江委主任刘雅鸣出席论坛并讲话。青年科技论坛计划每半年召开一次,是长江委为青年科技人才搭建的学习交流平台,以鼓励广大青年科技人员在科研生产中勇挑重担,在科技创新中勇立新功。在首期论坛上,来自长江委防办、长江设计院、水文局、长科院的5位青年科技专家针对长江上游水库群联合调度,控制性水库群运用后长江中下游防洪形势与对策、水沙特性变化、河道河床演变规律、河势控制等课题进行了深入的分析与讲解。他们的研究成果对于实现控制性水库统一调度,充分发挥水库群综合利用效益;对于 On December 17, 2013, five young scientists and technologists took the first Youth Science and Technology Forum of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission. Over 100 young people listened attentively and actively raised questions. The atmosphere of the forum was warm and warm applause echoed from time to time. Liu Ya-ming, chairman of the Yangtze River to attend the forum and speech. The Youth Science and Technology Forum is scheduled to be held every six months and is a platform for learning and exchange for the construction of young scientists and technicians in the Yangtze River Commission. It encourages young scientists and technologists to brave new tasks in scientific research and production and brave new achievements in scientific and technological innovation. In the first forum, five young science and technology experts from Yangtze River Commission, Office of Yangtze River Design, Bureau of Hydrology, and Long ASTRI aimed at the joint dispatch of reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the flood control situation and countermeasures in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River after the use of controlled reservoirs. Water and sediment characteristics, river channel evolution, river control and other topics conducted in-depth analysis and explain. Their research results for the unified control of reservoir operation, give full play to the comprehensive utilization of reservoir benefits; for
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