Information resources reorganization and sharing platform of national scientific&technical document

来源 :China Standardization | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:UFO_2113
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Reorganization of network information resources for scientific and technical(scitech for abbreviation) documents and development of information infrastructure have brought a great change in China’s scitech documentation information sharing.It integrated not only information resources,but also systems,technologies and funds.High quality services and effective resources sharing are the main goals of the platform construction.The paper describes briefly the principles and aims of the integration of the scitech information resources and networks.The services of the sharing platforms have been also introduced. Reorganization of network information resources for scientific and technical (scitech for abbreviation) documents and development of information infrastructure have brought a great change in China’s scitech documentation information sharing. Integral not only information resources but also systems, technologies and funds. High quality services and effective resources sharing are the main goals of the platform construction. The paper describes briefly the principles and aims of the integration of the scitech information resources and networks. The services of the sharing platforms have been also introduced.
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