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前不久,在广东省市长座谈会上,广东省省长卢瑞华强调,各地市要加大力度,依法强化社会保险工作,确保明年底社会保险覆盖全社会。针对当前社会保险存在的扩面难、征缴难等问题,卢瑞华说,广东省将从5个方面加强社会保险执法工作:一是各市坚定不移地抓社会保险覆盖全社会工作,宣传社会保险的强制性,所有企业和单位都要依法纳入,不能例外;二是从明年1月1日起,社会保险费改为地税部门统一征收,这是社会主义市场经济走向正轨,实现现代化管理的重要举措;三是坚持属地原则,实施属地管理;四是要调整各级财政预算,将政府必须解决的社会保险、粮食亏损挂账等问题所需的开支打入预算,充实社会保险基金;五是要依法严格管好社会保险基金,绝不允许挪用、 Not long ago, at the Guangdong provincial mayor’s symposium, Governor Lu Ruihua of Guangdong Province stressed that all localities and municipalities should step up their efforts to strengthen social insurance according to law and ensure that social insurance covers the entire society by the end of next year. In response to the current social insurance expansion difficulties, difficulties in collecting and other issues, Lu Ruihua said Guangdong Province will be from 5 aspects to strengthen social insurance law enforcement work: First, unswervingly grasp the social insurance coverage of social insurance, social insurance Of the mandatory, all enterprises and units should be included in accordance with the law, can not be an exception; the second is from January 1 next year, the social insurance premiums to the unified tax collection department, which is the socialist market economy on the right track and realize the importance of modern management The third is to adhere to the principle of territoriality and implement territorial management. The fourth is to readjust the fiscal budgets at all levels and budget the expenditures required by the government for such issues as social insurance and grain losses, so as to enrich the social insurance funds. Fifthly, Strictly manage the social insurance fund in accordance with the law and will never allow misappropriation.
公司8月25日预告三季度业绩增长50%左右,股价已创出近年来的新高,公司即将具备林纸一体化的业务模式,当前股价:14.08元目标股价:18元,今日投资个股安全诊断星级:★★★★ Co
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