张文钺教授1928年6月生于沈阳市。1953年毕业于沈阳东北工学院(现东北大学),1955年哈尔滨工业大学焊接专业研究生毕业,同年到天津大学从教,1983年晋升为教授,1986年经国务院学位委员会批准为博士生导师。 1981-1982年赴日本大阪大学从事焊
Professor Zhang Wenli was born in Shenyang in June 1928. He graduated from Shenyang Northeastern University (now Northeastern University) in 1953. He graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1955, and taught in Tianjin University in the same year. He was promoted to professor in 1983 and approved as a doctoral tutor in 1986 by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. 1981-1982 went to Japan Osaka University engaged in welding