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今年5月4日,湖北省钟祥市贺集乡爆出了一件新鲜事:乡党委副书记、乡长田少斌不收礼金不请客,移风易俗办婚事,将婚礼改为经济工作会,一时间被传为佳话。事情是这样的。现年25乡的田少斌是去年底担任贺集乡乡长的。从事教育工作的未婚妻潘丽霞与他同龄,双双早已超过法 On May 4 this year, He Jixiang, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, broke a new thing: Tian Shaobin, deputy secretary of the township party committee and headteacher of the township government, did not accept the gift and did not treat him. He changed his wedding routine to a meeting for economic work, and for a time was Chuan for the story. This is the case. Tian Shaobin of 25 townships is the head of He Jixiang at the end of last year. Pa Lai Xia, his fiancee engaged in educational work, had the same age as him and both of them had already surpassed the Fa
62岁的老王退休后返聘到一家私营企业当会计,每天事情都排得满当当,早出晚归,很是辛苦。这天上午整完一笔账,站起来时突然感到一阵眩晕,两条腿沉得挪不动。勉强走到门口,遇到老板的司机小何,感觉说话也有些含糊。小何赶忙把他扶上车,送到医院,脑CT检查发现有多处小梗塞灶,诊断为腔隙性脑梗塞。  腔隙性脑梗塞为脑深部的微小穿支动脉发生闭塞,引起小范围脑组织的缺血性病变,是脑梗塞的一种特殊类型。梗塞灶多位于脑
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