我想对家长说 不要随便给孩子请假

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有一次,我上下午班。上午,我在家属院的小花园里看到我们班的贝贝小朋友,她正在开心地玩着。我走近一问,照看她的姑姑说:“今天孩子有点儿小感冒,没让她去幼儿园。”听完她的话,我又仔细观察了一下贝贝的情况,她没有什么感冒的迹象。我想起了贝贝最近三天两头请假。以前她在幼儿园表现很好,最近情绪却很不稳定,稍有一点不高兴,就大声嚷嚷说:“我不喜欢幼儿园,明天我请假不来了。” 家长们平时给孩子请假有各种理由:“张老师,家里来亲戚了,亮亮今天不来幼儿园了!”“孩子今天起晚了,就不上幼儿园了。”“我今天休息,孩子就不送幼儿园了。”“您看,今天天气不太好,孩子就不去了……” 家长可能是觉得幼儿园的各种活动安排不像学校那样紧密,少去几次没关系。一般家里大人 Once, I am in the afternoon class. In the morning, I saw the babe children in our class in the little garden of the family’s courtyard, and she was playing happily. I approached a question, taking care of her aunt said: “Today the child a little cold, did not let her go to kindergarten.” “After listening to her words, I carefully examined the situation of babe, she has no flu sign. I remember Beibei two days last three days leave. In the past she performed well in kindergarten, the mood is very unstable recently, a little unhappy, shouting loudly: ”I do not like kindergarten tomorrow I can not leave. “ Parents usually give their children leave there Kind of reason: ”“ ”“ ”I rest today, the child will not send kindergarten “” You see, the weather is not good today, the children do not go ... "Parents may think that the activities of kindergarten arrangements are not as close as the school, a few less often does not matter. General home adults
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