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信访,是我国宪法确认的一项民主权利,是目前处理社会尖锐问题和缓解矛盾的一种有效机制,也是人民群众自我救济的一种方式。面对当前大量的群众信访、上访,检察机关如何化解自身涉检信访矛盾已摆在我们面前重要课题。为此,我对近几年来某基层院的涉检信访案件进行了专门地调查与分析,以期更好地化解社会矛盾、维护社会稳定。 Letters and visits are a democratic right affirmed by our country’s constitution. They are an effective mechanism for dealing with sharp issues in society and alleviating conflicts at present. They are also a way for the masses to self-help themselves. In the face of a large number of people’s letters and petitions and petitions, how prosecuting authorities can resolve the contradictions between their own and their counterparts has become an important issue before us. To this end, I conducted a special investigation and analysis of petition cases involving petitioners at a grass-roots level in recent years in order to better resolve social conflicts and maintain social stability.
In their geological reconnaissance of Kansu and Kokonor in theautumn of 1935, Messrs. C. C. Sun (孙健初) and T. C. Chow (周宗浚),geologists of the National Geo
The name Weiyuan’ Anticline has been used by geologists to designate the anticlinal mountain range to the north of the city of Weiyuan district. It is situate
DISCOVERY.The siderite deposit or clay ironstone was discovered bythe senior writer at Chintsui~1(Fig.1)and 30 kilometers north of Antsehcity~2 in southern Sha
The Pinghsiang coalfield of Kiangsi province has been repeatedlyvisited by Chinese as well as by foreign geologists most of whom howeverspent much of their tim
Hyperglycemia significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease(CVD) in diabetics.However,it has been shown by a series of large scale international st
INTRODUCTION More than a decade has elapsed since the illuminating study of J.S.Lee and Y.T.Chao~1 on the geology of the Yangtze Gorges.The puplica-tion of C.Y