
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yds7217
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构建公共文化服务体系、保障人民基本文化权益是推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的一项重要内容,对于弘扬先进文化、倡导核心价值体系,对于进一步改善民生、构建和谐社会,对于强化党和政府主导作用具有重要意义。构建公共文化服务体系必须遵循公益性原则、基础性原则、普惠性原则、便利性原则、差异性原则、创新性原则。当前构建公共文化服务体系的工作有建设公共文化设施,构建基层文化阵地;提供公共文化产品,满足人民群众基本文化需求;开展公益文化活动,丰富业余文化生活;创新公共文化服务,不断完善机制保障;建立健全领导体制,进一步完善工作机制。 To build a public cultural service system and guarantee the people’s basic cultural rights and interests is an important part of promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture. It is of great significance for carrying forward advanced culture and advocating a core value system to further improve people’s livelihood and build a harmonious society, The leading role is of great significance. The construction of public cultural service system must follow the principles of public welfare, basic principles, universal benefits, convenience, diversity and innovation. At present, the work of building a public cultural service system includes building public cultural facilities and building grass-roots cultural positions; providing public cultural products to meet the basic cultural needs of the people; carrying out public welfare cultural activities and enriching amateur cultural life; innovating public cultural services and constantly improving the mechanism guarantee ; Establish and improve the leadership system and further improve the working mechanism.
【正】 知觉属于人的一种认识活动。现代认知心理学根据信息加工的原则对于知觉有不少的解释和实验研究。(一)知觉的一般特征现代认知心理学通常认为,知觉是确定人们所接受到
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孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)病因未明,神经心理学认为其功能障碍在大脑存在特异的神经环路及代偿机制。事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)作为重