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六朝时期,是诗、书、画三个艺术领域分别建立品级论的时期,也是中国艺术思想史值得注意的时代。关于诗,有梁朝钟嵘(字仲伟,468年?—518年?)的《诗品》(513—518年左右撰写);关于书法,有梁朝庾肩吾(字子慎,478—551年)的《书品》;关于画,也有推测为梁初谢赫的《画品》(通称《古画品录》)。 本文并非想从艺术思想史的观点出发去论述六朝时代建立品级论本身的意义。只是想在关于书法的领域中,对书法品级论建立的经过作一番具体的考察。 一直以来,关于建立书法方面的品级论,总认为梁朝庾肩吾的《书品》是最早的著作。确实如此,作为将书法品级论概括为一篇著作,它是现存最古老的作品。然而,我们还可以举出推测为齐初王僧虔(字简穆,426—485年)的《论书》(王珉一条)中作为“书旧品云”的《书旧品》。从这个题名看,分明是进行书法品级评定的著作。不知道它是谁的,也不知指的是哪部著作。但可 The period of the Six Dynasties was the period in which the three art fields of poetry, calligraphy and painting established the theory of grade respectively, and it was also the time worth noting in the history of Chinese artistic thought. As for the poem, there are “Poems and Articles” written by Zhong Rong in the Liang Dynasty (written by Zhong Wei in 468-518 BC) (written by 513-518); on calligraphy, there are Liang Zhaogu Shouliang (Zi Zi Shen, 478-551 Year) of the “book”; on the painting, there are speculated that Liang Chu Xie He’s “painting” (commonly known as “ancient painting catalog”). This article does not mean to discuss the significance of building a grade-level theory in the Six Dynasties from the viewpoint of the history of artistic thought. Just want in the field of calligraphy, calligraphy grade theory to establish after a specific inspection. All along, the establishment of calligraphy aspects of the theory of grade, always think that Liang’s shy “books” is the earliest works. Indeed, as a work that summarizes the calligraphy class theory as the oldest surviving work. However, we can also cite the “old book of books” as the “old book of books” in the “Book of Odes” (Wang Min’s one article) presumed to be the first monk of Qichou (simplified word 426-885). Judging from the title, the book is appraised as a book of calligraphy. I do not know who it is or what it refers to. But yes
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