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市场上PDA的分类方法很多,根据使用效果,分成两类。一类是掌上PC,其机身十分小巧,可融入手掌之中。掌上PC目前主要有两大阵营,3Com公司的Palm系列(采用Palm OS)和采用WindowsCE操作系统的Palm-Size PC,其特征之一就是通过笔输入和操作,个别机型也带有小型键盘。另一类是手持PC(Handheld),个头和小笔记本差不多,较大的显示屏和近标准的键盘,当然还有较强大的功能和较高的售价。它们多运行于Windows CE环境下。如果你正准备买一部PDA,而面对众多产品无从下手,首先你要先问问自己准备用PDA做什么。倘若只是用来记录日程事务,储存通信录,那么掌上PC是最佳选择,它小巧的机型可轻松放入口袋中, PDA on the market many ways to classify, according to the use of effect, divided into two categories. One is the Pocket PC, its body is very compact, can be integrated into the palm of your hand. Palm PC currently has two major camps, 3Com Palm series (with Palm OS) and the use of WindowsCE operating system Palm-Size PC, one of the features is through the pen input and operation, some models also have a small keyboard. The other is handheld (Handheld), head and small notebook almost, larger screen and near the standard keyboard, of course, there are more powerful features and higher prices. They run more in the Windows CE environment. If you are ready to buy a PDA, and the face of many products can not start, first of all you have to ask yourself what to do with the PDA. If only to record the calendar affairs, save contacts, then the Pocket PC is the best choice, it compact models can easily be put in your pocket,
也许,故事真的是老的好。2000年,一部发生在马来西亚海滩边的爱情故事《夏日麽麽茶》,票房达到21 00万。在那个年代,这是一个喜人的数字。更何况,影片还有好口碑支持,还为大
随着时代的发展,计算机的处理能力在以几何级数发展,今天的超级计算机注定要在明天被淘汰。 With the development of the times, the processing power of computers has bee
创伤修复反应的差异性日益成为一种影响屈光手术后预测性和稳定性的重要因素。共焦显微镜(confocal mi—croscopy through focusing,CMTF)具有高分辨率和高放大倍数等优点,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。帕米尔高原的塔吉克人@李晓林 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Taj
Objective:To study the diagnostic and therapeutic features of prolactinoma.Methods:124 patients with prolac- tinoma were studied in clinical manifestation,patho