The cooperative school is a new school idea proposed by David Johnson and Roger Johnson of the University of Minnesota after nearly 40 years of research. It has a wide range of practical foundations in the West, especially in the United States. The exploration of cooperative schools can not only provide a good environment for the implementation of cooperative learning, but also enable the cooperation spirit to be extended and integrated at both the teaching and management levels, so that the cooperation principle can be used to learn a school student, teach a teacher, and The management of administrative personnel is conceptually unified and standardized in practice so that “cooperation” becomes the cultural core of a school. It can be said that the team is the organizational foundation and organizational guarantee of cooperative schools, and the spirit of cooperation is the soul of team organization. In recent years, Shanghai Yuren High School has made constructive “cooperative schools” a pursuit of education. It has made gratifying explorations in student-level cooperative learning, team-level mutual assistance, and unity and cooperation in management. Worthy of other schools for reference and reference.