
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A_TRY
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Simulations of adsorption process using the Reynolds mass flux model described in Part I of these serial articles are presented. The object of the simulation is the methylene chloride adsorption in a packed column(0.041 m id,packed with spherical activated carbon up to a length of 0.2 m). With the Reynolds mass flux model,breakthrough/regeneration curves, concentration and temperature as well as the velocity distributions can be obtained. The simulated results are compared with the experimental data reported in the literature and satisfactory agreement is found both in breakthrough/regeneration curves and temperature curves. Moreover,the anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion is characterized and discussed. Simulations of adsorption process using the Reynolds mass flux model described in Part I of these serial articles are presented. The object of the simulation is the methylene chloride adsorption in a packed column (0.041 m id, packed with spherical activated carbon up to a length of 0.2 m). With the Reynolds mass flux model, breakthrough / regeneration curves, concentration and temperature as well as the velocity distributions can be obtained. The simulated results are compared with the experimental data reported in the literature and satisfactory agreement found both in breakthrough / regeneration curves and temperature curves. Moreover, the anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion is characterized and discussed.
例1 女,22岁。于1991年4月22日凌晨0时10分以“头晕3天,意识丧失伴小便失禁2分钟”之主诉入院。患者近期无咳嗽、咽痛、发热及腹泻等病。查体:BP 9.3/8.0kPa,P 40次/分。神