从前,有一个名叫汤姆的小男孩沿着一条曲折迢遥的道路去寻找他的未来。茫茫征途炎炎烈日,在一个荒野的十字路口他看见了一棵枝繁叶茂的老树。他想:“我要在那里小憩一会想想我的出路,虽然我的前程好坏未卜,但它肯定就在我的前面。” 想到这儿,男孩欢欣地朝树走去,可是直到近前他才发现树阴已被一位酣睡的老人占据了。汤姆是个有教养的孩子,他静悄悄地坐在一旁等候着老人醒来分给他一片阴凉。
Once upon a time, a young boy named Tom went along a winding road to find his future. In the scorching heat of the road, he saw a lush tree at the crossroads of a wilderness. He thought, “I’ll be there for a minute to think about my way out. Even though my future is uncertain, it’s definitely in front of me.” Thinking about it, the boy walked cheerfully toward the tree, but until It was only recently that he discovered that the shade of trees had been occupied by a sleeping old man. Tom was a well-bred child. He sat quietly waiting for the old man to wake up and give him a shade.