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近来,一些晦涩难懂的探索片遭到观众的非议。于是,在电影圈内似乎形成了这样一种公论:当今观众审美思维陈腐或文化层次过低,欣赏不了富有探索精神的电影佳作。年初,著各电影导演郑洞天率先在《中国青年报》发起了旨在“提高和改造观众”的“我们怎样作观众”的大讨论。进言者甚多,讨论的意义亦十分明确:今天的观众必须改变陈旧的审美思维定势、摒弃传统的电影欣赏习惯,以适应现代电影发展的新潮流;否则,中国电影将很难有实质性的起飞。 探索与创新是可贵的,要求观众对当今电影发展的大趋势有一些认识和了解也不无道理。然而,脱离我国的社会经济基础和全民的文化素质,过多的“迁怒”观众,夸大观众与探索片整体的对立,一味地要求人们改变传统的审美情趣去适应那些具有“先锋” Recently, some obscure exploration films have been criticized by the audience. Thus, within the film industry, it seems that the public has become such a public opinion that today’s audiences are poorly cynical or culturally cautious in aesthetic thinking and can not appreciate the exploration-rich film masterpiece. At the beginning of the year, Zheng Dongtian, the film director, took the lead in the “China Youth Daily” launched a “discussion to enhance and transform the audience,” “How do we act as audience” big discussion. There are many speakers and the meaning of the discussion is very clear. Today’s audience must change the stereotypes of the old aesthetic thinking, abandon the traditional habit of film appreciation and adapt to the new trend of the development of modern film. Otherwise, the Chinese film will be hard to have substantive Take off Exploration and innovation are valuable, and it is not unreasonable to require that viewers have some understanding and understanding of the megatrends in today’s film development. However, beyond the social and economic foundation of our country and the cultural quality of the whole people, too many “enraged” audiences exaggerate the opposition between the spectators and the explorations as a whole and blindly demand that people change their traditional aesthetic taste to adapt to those who have the “vanguard”
本文提出了A/D变换器中增益控制电路的两种设计方案,并对它们进行了性能分析。 In this paper, two design schemes of gain control circuit in A / D converter are propose