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甘薯是短日照植物,在我国北方秋季日照较长,一般品种不能开花。用大牵牛花为砧木,天然开花的品种为中间砧木,杂交亲本为接穗,经过两次嫁接后,能诱导甘薯一般品种在北方地区自然开花,且效果显著。应用此法可更广泛地进行甘薯有性杂交育种。接穗品种约在嫁接后12天左右开始现蕾,30天左右开始开花,80天左右个别品种开始停止开花,到100天左右全部品种停止开花。接穗品种间现蕾,开花两期差异较小,现蕾最早者比最晚者早6天,开花最早者比最晚者早2天。停花期各品种之间差异显著,最早者比最晚者提前20天。各接穗品种盛花期在8月10日~9月4日之间,结实盛期在8月30日~9月18日之间,在上述两期中,一般开花越多,结实率越高,接穗品种开花数目和结实率因品种不同而异;开花较多者(蓬尾),平均每株为292.3朵,较低者(华北553),平均每株为90.3朵;结实率较高者(徐薯18),为53.7%,较低者(蓬尾),为24.3%。开花数目与结实率呈反比关系,开花越多,结实率越低。 Sweet potato is a short-day plant, in northern China autumn sunshine longer, the general varieties can not flowering. With the big morning glory as the rootstock, the natural flowering variety is the intermediate rootstock, and the hybrid parent is the scion. After two grafting, the common variety of sweet potato can be induced to bloom naturally in the north, and the effect is remarkable. This method can be more widely sexual sweet potato hybrid breeding. Scion varieties about 12 days after grafting began to bud, about 30 days began to bloom, about 80 days began to stop the flowering of individual species, to 100 days to stop all varieties of flowering. Scion varieties between the bud, flowering two differences are smaller, the buds of the earliest six days earlier than the earliest, flowering earliest two days earlier than the latest. There were significant differences among all varieties during the flowering stage, with the earliest being 20 days earlier than the late ones. The scion varieties of flowering in the August 10 to September 4 between the strong peak in the August 30 to September 18 between the two periods, the general flowering more, the higher the rate of solidification, scion The number of flowering and the rate of seed setting varied with different varieties. The average number of flowering per plant was 292.3, while that of lower flowering plants (553 in North China) was 90.3 per plant. Potato 18), 53.7%, and the lower (pteridophyta), 24.3%. The number of flowering and seed setting rate is inversely proportional to the relationship, the more flowering, the lower the rate of seed setting.
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