
来源 :时代教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfshiyi
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语文是一门实用性比较强的、综合性的基础学科。学好语文课程不仅能促进其他学科的学习,更是学好这些学科的基础。而学好语文不但需要语文老师的传授,更多地需要小学中年级学生平时的不断学习和积累,因此要培养和不断提高他们的语文自学能力是非常重要的。语文老师要在平时的教学过程中,不断帮助和引导他们掌握学习语文知识的科学有效的方法,以便他们在语文自学过程中合理运用这些方法,来实现自己的学习语文的目的。 Language is a practical, comprehensive basic disciplines. Learning Chinese courses can not only promote the learning of other subjects, but also lay a good foundation for these disciplines. Learning Chinese well requires not only the teaching of language teachers but also the continuous learning and accumulation of middle school students in primary schools. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate and improve their self-learning ability in Chinese language. Language teachers in the usual teaching process, continue to help and guide them to master the scientific and effective method of learning Chinese knowledge so that they can use these methods reasonably in the process of Chinese self-study to achieve their purpose of learning Chinese.
学校利用培育校园特色项目的契机,开展了传承中国式读书法-吟诵国学经典,培植校园特色文化活动的实践探索。 Taking advantage of the opportunity of fostering campus spe
造成小学语文课堂教学效率长期得不到有效提升的原因是多方面的。为了适应素质教育改革的需要,切实提高小学语文课堂教学效率已经势在必行。 The reasons for the ineffecti
本文旨在探讨如何实现农村小学数学课堂的有效教学。 This article aims to explore how to achieve effective teaching of rural primary school mathematics classroom.
本文旨在探讨爱的鼓励语带来的潜移默化的作用。 This article aims to explore the subtle effects of the language of encouragement.
本文旨在探讨教师的言行对学生起着潜移默化的作用。 This article aims to explore the teacher’s words and deeds on the students play a subtle role.