英雄流血流汗 不能再流泪

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一位意大利史学家说过:“一个国家、一个民族,如果忽视自己的历史,就像一个人失去记忆一样可怕。”革命导师列宁也曾告诫人们:“忘记了过去就意味着背叛。”翻开中华民族的历史,我们有扬眉吐气,也有饱受凌辱;有文明富强,也有贫穷交加。在中华民族告别苦难,走向新生,走向富裕以及铸就民族精神的进程中,那些为国捐躯的烈士、那些血洒疆场的英雄、那些夙夜在公的劳模,是做出过特殊贡献的。没有他们,便没有我们的历史;没有他们,便没有我们今天的高楼大厦和秋收冬藏。他们是不应该被忘记的。忘记了他们,就是失去了良知。然而,在我们的生活中,仍然经常发生英雄流血流汗又流泪的事情。本期选登的一则报道和一个故事恰好代表了正反两个方面。中国第二历史档案馆正式启动了抗日阵亡将士名录数据库工程,听来使人欣慰。而另一个来自北国哈尔滨的故事则让人备感气愤。一位为人民立下大功的英雄模范,在让许多人失去良知的动乱年代里,受到极不公正的待遇。耿直的英雄震怒之下,将记载自己辉煌历史的档案材料付之一炬其后人决心为英雄父亲讨还荣誉。本应主持公道的“组织”却又在档案上做了手脚,令英雄死难瞑目。来自哈尔滨的故事案中有案,除“档案”问题外,恐怕还有其他更重要的隐情,相信法律会还英雄一个公正。而二史? An Italian historian once said: “A nation or a nation ignoring its own history is as frightening as losing a person.” Lenin, the revolutionary mentor, also warned: “Forgetting the past means betrayal.” As we open up the history of the Chinese nation, we have proud and humiliating people. We have strong and civilized people and rich and poor people. In the process of the Chinese nation saying goodbye to misery, new life, prosperity and national spirit, those who sacrificed their lives for the country, those heroes who shed blood on the battlefield, and those who work in the public at night, made special contributions. Without them, there will be no history of our own. Without them, there will be no such high-rise buildings as we have today and the winter harvest in the autumn. They should not be forgotten. If you forget them, you lose your conscience. However, in our lives, there are still frequent cases where the hero bleeds and tears. A report and a story selected this issue represent exactly both positive and negative aspects. It is gratifying to note that China’s Second Historical Archives officially launched the database of anti-Japanese officers and men killed in the database. Another story from Harbin in North China is annoying. A model hero who has made great contributions to the people has been extremely unfairly treated during the turmoil in which many people lost their conscience. Upright under the fury of the hero, will record his brilliant history of the archives to pay the torch followers determined to discuss the honor of her father. The “organization” that should have been in charge of justice, however, did what he did on the file, leaving the hero dead. There are cases in the stories from Harbin. Except for “files”, there are probably other more important hidden secrets. I believe the law will return heroes to justice. The two history?
<正> 将霍桑与存在主义相提并论并非晔众取庞,故作惊人之谈。虽说霍桑是美国十九世纪影响最大的浪漫主义小说家,存在主义是风行于二十世纪西方世界的哲学流派,二者之间的确存