Emergency bedside ultrasound for the diagnosis of pediatric intussusception: a retrospective review

来源 :World Journal of Emergency Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziyutianxia
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BACKGROUND: Ultrasound diagnosis of pediatric intussusception is feasible with limited operator training. The authors report the test characteristics of bedside ultrasound(BUS) for the diagnosis of pediatric intussusception at a single institution.METHODS: Inclusion criteria were: 1) patients of 0–18 years old were seen in the pediatric emergency department(ED) with a clinical presentation suspicious for intussusception; 2) BUS was performed to identify intussusception and bedside impression documented in the medical record; 3) a “formal” diagnostic study(such as computed tomography, ultrasound, or barium enema) was performed by the radiology department after BUS was completed. Electronic medical record and ED BUS archive were screened for potentially eligible ED visits between January 1st 2009 to October 3rd 2012. These records were then reviewed to identify patients for inclusion in the study. All emergency physicians who performed the BUS had undergone a minimum of 1-hour didactic training on the use of BUS to diagnose pediatric intussusception.RESULTS: A total of 1 631 charts were reviewed, with 49 meeting inclusion criteria. Five of those were later excluded for incomplete documentation or lack of saved BUS images. The prevalence of intussusception was 23%. The mean age of the subjects was 31 months. BUS was 100% sensitive(95%CI 66%–100%) and 94% specifi c(95%CI 79%–99%) for detection of pediatric intussusception compared to radiology study results. Positive and negative likelihood ratios were 16.5(95%CI 4.30%–63.21%) and 0(95%CI 0–0) respectively.CONCLUSIONS: BUS is an accurate means of diagnosing acute intussusception in pediatric patients. Further study might be indicated to confi rm such benefi ts. BACKGROUND: Ultrasound diagnosis of pediatric intussusception is feasible with limited operator training. The authors report the test characteristics of bedside ultrasound (BUS) for the diagnosis of pediatric intussusception at a single institution. METHODS: Inclusion criteria were: 1) patients of 0-18 years old were seen in the pediatric emergency department (ED) with a clinical presentation suspicious for intussusception; 2) BUS was performed to identify intussusception and bedside impression documented in the medical record; 3) a “formal ” diagnostic study computed tomography, ultrasound, or barium enema) was performed by the radiology department after BUS was completed. Electronic medical record and ED BUS archive were screened for potentially eligible ED visits between January 1st 2009 to October 3rd 2012. These records were then reviewed to identify patients for inclusion in the study. All emergency physicians who performed the BUS had undergone a minimum of 1-hour didact ic training on the use of BUS to diagnosed pediatric intussusception .RESULTS: A total of 1 631 charts were reviewed, with 49 meeting inclusion criteria. Five of those were later excluded for incomplete documentation or lack of saved BUS images. The prevalence of intussusception was 23%. The mean age of the subjects was 31 months. BUS was 100% sensitive (95% CI 66% -100%) and 94% specifi c (95% CI 79% -99%) for detection of pediatric intussusception compared to Positive and negative likelihood ratios were 16.5 (95% CI 4.30% -63.21%) and 0 (95% CI 0-0) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: BUS is an accurate means of diagnosing acute intussusception in pediatric patients. Further study might be indicated to confi rm such benefi ts.
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