Development Program for Renewable Energies

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomai1212
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The“Medium and Long-Term Develop-ment Program for Renewable Energies”was issued on September 4th.The consumption of renewable en-ergies in China accounts for 8% of thetotal energy consumption today,target-ing for 10% by 2010 and 15% by 2015 de-fined in the“Program”. The “Medium and Long-Term Develop ment ment Program for Renewable Energies ” was issued on September 4th. The consumption of renewable en-ergies in China accounts for 8% of the total energy consumption today, target-ing for 10% by 2010 and 15% by 2015 de-fined in the “Program ”.
【正】 Due to the drastic capacityexpansion,acrylic acid and es-ters will be oversupply.Drastic capacity growthThe production capacity of acrylicacid in China h
Stable consumptiongrowth worldwideHydrazine hydrate is an organic chemi-cal raw material with extensiveapplications.The world’s capacity toproduce hydrazine h
液体静压多腔径向轴承动态性能参数和稳定性——北京航空学院谢沛霖、陈燕生,1989 随着液体静压轴承应用的推广和工况的复杂化,动态性能的研究日益受到重视并取得了进展。静
一、财产积累的涵义在国家工业化的进程中 ,需要形成一个持续的建设资金的投入过程 ,这就要求社会必须提供资金动员的主体 ,提高资金动员的动力 ,更需要提供充分的形成资金源
名称及代号 模数m 齿数 节圆或分度圆直径 母圆直径 中心距A 中心距公差的上差及下差A,HA 基齿形压力角 节圆上弧齿厚S1,S2 节圆上弧齿厚公差S1,s2 节圆上弧齿厚上差 节圆
【正】 Raoid growth of outputAccording to statistics from theChina Dyestuff Industry Associa-tion(CDIA), the product sales rev-enue realized in 2006 was RMB31.0
泥浆中含有气体,会给钻井工作带来许多困难,其原因是: 首先,泥浆的密度降低了,对地层的静液柱压力也就因此降低,就有可能发生井喷。要恢复密度,就得额外消耗加重剂。其次,是