
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijun21
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在美国被贴罚单后 年前,笔者赴美从事行政程序法的研究工作,因住处离学校比较远,买了一辆二手 车。一日晚归,所有车位都已被占满,无奈只好将车停到离宿舍一路之隔的另一个区。 第二天发现自己的爱车不幸已被贴上了罚单。罚单上称“你已违反本区的停车管 理规定,请你将支票寄到市政厅或者当面去交罚款,逾期将追加处罚。如果你对处罚不 服,可以到市政厅申请听证。”想到要交纳15美元的罚款,感到特别冤。再一想,自己 从事美国行政程序法的研究,为什么不去申请一次听证机会,切身感受一下美国的听 证制度呢?于是在周末去了市政厅,找到了值班的听证官员。 我解释说,我刚搬来住,不知道夜间不能在路边停车,希望能免除处罚。听证官员 听我说明后,找了一张纸,画了一张街道图,详细解释哪一边不允许夜间停车,哪一边 可以夜间停车。最后说,由于你对此不清楚,这一次免除处罚,希望下次注意。他收回了 罚单,我满心欢喜地离开了市政厅。 In the United States was beaten a single ticket after years ago, the author went to the United States engaged in administrative procedure law research, because residence is far from the school, bought a used car. One day late, all the parking spaces have been filled, but had to park the car to leave the dormitory all the way across another area. The very next day found that his car unfortunately has been posted on the ticket. If you disagree with the punishment, you can apply for a hearing at the City Hall. “” I thought you had violated the regulations on parking management in this area. Please send your check to the city hall or pay a fine in person. Feel particularly unjust to pay a $ 15 fine. Think again, he engaged in the study of the United States Administrative Procedure Law, why not apply for a hearing the opportunity to personally experience the hearing system in the United States? So in the weekend went to the City Hall, found the hearing officer on duty. I explained that I just moved in and did not know that I could not stop by the road at night, hoping to be exempt from punishment. After listening to my instructions, the hearing officer found a piece of paper and drew a street map detailing which side does not allow parking at night and which side can be parked at night. Finally, since you are not sure about this, you are exempt from punishment this time and hope to pay attention next time. He took back the ticket and I happily left the town hall.
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当历史车轮从远古隆隆驶进新世纪的疆域时,中国社会的前进步伐也正悄悄地向人性靠拢。 As the wheels of history marched from ancient times into the territory of the n
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