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原发性肝癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一,有“癌中之王”称呼,广东省死于肝癌每年有7000人。广东省汕头地区肝癌属高发区,汕头地区南沃县肝癌发病率占广东省第一位。一旦症状出现,病情急剧变化,从症状出现到死亡,生存期平均为3.2月,1980~1991年1月,我科对160例肝癌进行剖腹探查,其中能切除肝癌41例,切除率达25.6%。获得一定疗效,现分析如下。临床资料一般资料:41例中男33例,女8例。最小10岁,最大66岁,10~14岁2例,20~29岁2例,~39岁8例,~49岁13例,~59岁8例,~66岁8例,有明显肝炎,肝硬化病史17例,嗜酒史8例,有肿瘤家族史8例,从出现症状至就医时间<1个月16例,~4月18例,~6月7例。 Primary liver cancer is one of the common malignancies in China. It is called “the king of cancers.” Guangdong Province died of liver cancer every year with 7,000 people. Liver cancer in Shantou area of ​​Guangdong Province is a high-risk area, and the incidence of liver cancer in Nanwo County, Shantou area accounts for the first place in Guangdong Province. Once the symptoms appear, the condition changes drastically. From the onset of symptoms to death, the average survival time is 3.2 months. From 1980 to 1991, our department performed exploratory laparotomy on 160 cases of liver cancer, among which 41 cases were able to remove liver cancer and the resection rate reached 25.6%. . To obtain a certain effect, the analysis is as follows. Clinical data General information: 41 cases were 33 males and 8 females. Minimum 10-year-old, maximum 66-year-old, 10 to 14 years old in 2 cases, 20 to 29 years old in 2 cases, -39 years old in 8 cases, -49 years old in 13 cases, -59 years old in 8 cases, - 66 years old in 8 cases, with obvious hepatitis, There were 17 cases of liver cirrhosis history, 8 cases of alcohol abuse history, and 8 cases of family history of cancer. From the onset of symptoms to medical treatment, 16 cases occurred in 1 month, 18 cases in April, and 7 cases in June.
香水的起源香料进入人类文明的历史,至少已有15万年以上。不过具体到对香水的记忆,却并非那么清晰了。我们现在可以知道,埃及使用香料的历史上溯至公元前 The origin of per
The hemorheological changes during invasion and metastasis in mice injected with uterine cervix carcinoma U14 were studied. The tumor cells were transplanted s