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待摊费用是基本建设工程的一项重要建设费用,合理分摊此项费用是正确核算交付使用资产成本的前提,也是做好决算工作的一项必要程序。待摊费用是建设单位按项目概算内容发生的,按照规定应当分摊计入交付使用资产价值的各项费用支出。待摊费用的分摊是一项有规可依、分程序、分步骤的繁琐工作,费用分摊后形成单项交付使用资产成本价值,各项单项工程价值分列建筑工程成本、设备成本,设备成本逐类逐项分列各项设备价值。审计工作中我们发现,因待摊费用的不合理分摊造成交付使用资产成本核算不准确的现象屡见不鲜,本文根据审计工作中的实际案例,对不合理分摊待摊费用的情况进行深入剖析,并就如何合理分摊待摊费用、如何正确核算交付使用资产成本作为本文讨论的重点。 Prepaid expenses is an important construction cost of capital construction projects, a reasonable allocation of this cost is the correct accounting for the cost of delivery of assets to use the premise, but also a necessary process for doing a good job. Prepaid expenses are incurred by the construction unit according to the estimated project budget and shall be apportioned to the expenses and expenses included in the value of the assets delivered for use in accordance with the provisions. The amortization of prepaid expenses is a tedious task that can be regulated, sub-programmed and step-by-step. After the expenses are apportioned, the cost value of the assets delivered by the individual is used. The individual project values ​​are divided into construction cost, equipment cost and equipment cost. Class by item, the value of various equipment. In the audit work, we found that it is not uncommon for the cost of delivery and use of assets to be inaccurate due to the unreasonable distribution of expenses to be apportioned. Based on the actual cases in the audit work, this article analyzes the unreasonable sharing of the expenses to be apportioned, How to reasonably share the expenses to be apportioned and how to correctly calculate the cost of assets delivered and used as the focus of this article.
建立燃料组件为AFA 2G和AFA 3G两种堆芯结构的反应堆非线性地震分析模型,采用ANAYS软件进行地震情况下的非线性时程动力分析研究,并对分析结果进行对比.结果表明:燃料组件由AF
【正】 尤无曲的浮出水面,无疑是中国画坛自黄秋园、陈子庄之后又一重大发现。而尤无曲的发现更让人心灵震撼。96岁的老人,年轻时就因绘画的才情得黄宾虹、郑午昌、陈半丁的
<正> 我国自古以来就是一个多民族的国家。在中国封建社会不同历史时期形成的由少数民族统治汉族的局面,是当时国内阶级矛盾的集中反映。在一般情况下,异族统治者代表着落后