The mechanism of flow softening in subtransus hot working of two-phase titanium alloy with equiaxed

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Understanding the mechanism of high temperature deformation is important for controlling the forming quality of the titanium alloy forgings.In the present work,the flow softening mechanism in subtransus deformation of titanium alloys with equiaxed structure was investigated by interrupted isothermal compression tests.The results show that limited strain hardening followed by continuous flow softening occurs in high temperature deformation of a twophase TA15 titanium alloy.The flow softening can not be rationalized by dynamic recrystallization.Instead,the increase of mobile dislocations during deformation is an important reason for flow softening.The grain boundaries(including the a-b interfaces)act as an important source for the generation of mobile dislocations.The continuous flow softening results from the significant deformation heterogeneity in subtransus working. Understanding the mechanism of high temperature deformation is important for controlling the forming quality of the titanium alloy forgings.In the present work, the flow softening mechanism inferred resolution of titanium alloys with equiaxed structure was investigated by interrupted isothermal compression tests.The results show that limited strain hardening followed by continuous flow softening occurs in high temperature deformation of a twophase TA15 titanium alloy. flow softening can not be rationalized by dynamic recrystallization. Instead, the increase of mobile dislocations during deformation is an important reason for flow softening. grain boundaries (including the ab interfaces) act as an important source for the generation of mobile dislocations. The continuous flow softening results from the significant deformation heterogeneity in subtransus working.
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