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张炳熹(1919.6.12—2000.7.17)原籍社旗县青台镇大常庄人。其父张东寅清朝末年毕业于北京测绘学堂,后在京绥铁路局地亩科和静生生物调查所任职员。他生于北京,幼年时期在父亲的精心培育下已显示出类拔萃的才智。他聪慧好学,1930年从铎民小学毕业后考入北京师大附中,1936年附中毕业考入北京大学地质系。1937年芦沟桥事变,北京沦陷后随校搬迁到长沙就读。之后学校迁往云南昆明。1940年在昆明西南联大毕业后被聘为地质系助教。假期中参加教学实习及野外地质调查,餐风露宿,跋山涉水,从实践中获得真知。1943年参加清华大学第6届留美公费考试,1944年录取。1946年春季到美国哈佛大学地质系和矿物系读研究生,攻读矿物学、岩石学、构造地质学及矿床学。1948年获硕士学位,1950年获该校哲学博士学位。他的导师是构造地质学家MR.比杜斯(Billings)教授和岩石学家,晶体光学家G.S.拉塞(Larsen)教授。他的博士论文题目为“弗共特州布里奇沃特-伍德斯托克地区的构造及变质作用”。他完成学业后,于1950年秋回国。此前,他已成为美国东部大学Sigma xi学社成员。回国后即到北京大学地质系任副教授。他还把在美时节余的资金和高级轿车等物品全部缴公,表现了一个高级知识分子的爱国热情和高风亮节。 Zhang Bingxi (1919.6.12-2000.7.17) origin county She Tai Tai Zhuang people. His father, Zhang Dong Yin, graduated from the Beijing Surveying and Mapping School at the end of the Qing dynasty and later served as a member of the Mu Division and Quiet Organisms Survey in Beijing’s Sui Railway Administration. Born in Beijing, he has shown his superior intelligence in his father’s meticulous cultivation. He is clever and studious. After graduating from Lutan Elementary School in 1930, he was admitted to the Affiliated High School of Beijing Normal University. In 1936, he graduated from middle school and entered Peking University’s Department of Geology. Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937, Beijing after the fall of the school moved to Changsha to attend. After the school moved to Kunming, Yunnan. In 1940, he was hired as assistant professor of geology department after graduating from Southwest United University in Kunming. Holidays to participate in teaching internships and field geological surveys, meals and accommodation, hell and high water, get the truth from practice. In 1943 to participate in Tsinghua University, the 6th free exam for the United States, 1944 admission. In the spring of 1946 to Harvard University, Department of Geology and mineral science graduate, studying mineralogy, petrology, tectonic geology and mineralogy. Master’s degree in 1948, Ph.D. His mentor is Structural Geologist MR Billings and Petrochemist, Professor Gars Larsen. His doctoral dissertation titled “Structure and Metamorphism in the Bridgewater-Woodstock Region, Fla.” After finishing his studies, he returned to China in the fall of 1950. Prior to that, he was a member of the Sigma xi Institute of American Eastern University. After returning to Peking University Department of Geology associate professor. He also paid all the funds left in the United States, such as limousine and other items, demonstrating the patriotic enthusiasm and high profile of a high-ranking intellectual.