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偶然接到一位同事的电话:“我记得您班里的座位是横纵向都换的?您说效果不错?”“是的,我上学的时候班主任就这样做,我当时就感觉很好,能获得坐在教室前后左右不同的感受。而且同学都是连桌子一起换,教室正好彻底扫除。后来做老师,发现有些学生长期坐在后面学习效果很不好,一些学生逐渐开始不愿意往前坐。我这样换座可以带动学风活跃,同时也相对公平。”“我今天看到一个很优秀的女生,她个子很高,去找班主任要求按照您这样的方式调座位。她说她总在后面坐不利于听课,每个人都有权利离老师近一些。结果她们班主任把她批评了一顿,说她自私,不想想 Occasionally I received a phone call from a colleague: ”I remember the seats in your class were changed horizontally and vertically. You said that the effect was good?“”Yes, when I went to school, the class teacher did just that and I felt at that time. Very good, can get different feelings before and after sitting in the classroom.And the students are even changing the table together, the classroom just completely sweep away. Later as a teacher, found that some students sitting behind the study effect is very bad, some students gradually began not I am willing to move forward. My change of seats can stimulate learning style and it is also relatively fair."” I saw a very good girl today. She was very tall and she went to the head teacher to ask for a seat in a manner similar to yours. She said that she was always sitting behind and was not conducive to classes, and everyone had the right to be closer to the teacher. As a result, her class teacher criticized her and said she was selfish and didn’t want to
班长胡雅杰运气不太好,新兵一下连,班里就分来7名大学生士兵。这7名战士年龄、学历相当,又有共同语言,有说有笑,好不热闹。然而,再翻翻胡班长的简历,学历:初中,身高:163厘米,年龄:20岁。身高、学历、年龄创造了班里三“低”之最,大家暗中称他“3D”班长。大家对他也很失望,这“3D”班长能干出什么名堂?  别看“3D”班长人不大,心却够“狠”,被子叠了5遍还说不行,继续“返工”,军姿一站就是一小时
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第九十八回  本期有请龙卷风先生接着讲——  插手东北亚白宫制造紧张局势  挑动同盟国老美画出C形圈套     诗曰:  美元打扮星条旗,  颇像当年特洛伊。  航母强势来东亚 ,   是贼是友要辨析。    刚刚过去的2010年,无论在军事领域,还是在经济领域,最风光的仍是美国人。可美国人在世界各地尤其是亚洲地区引起的恐慌,也是有目共睹的。    老美的风光    经济上,奥巴马老兄宽松货币,在
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