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民族贸易和民族特需商品生产贷款贴息政策的出台,促进了民族地区经济社会的发展,但是也存在一些问题,在执行过程中存在不平衡现象。为进一步做好民贸民品贴息资金管理工作,应进一步明确相关政策和标准,严控政策制定和执行,加强相关政策的指导。民族贸易和民族特需商品生产贷款贴息政策出台以后,对满足少数民族生产生活特需商品的需要,加强民族团结,促进民族地区经济社会发展,改善少数民族人民群众生产生活发挥了很好的作用,同时还创造了就业岗位,维护了社会稳定。通过调研,我们发现从时间序列纵向比较,中央财政的扶持力度越来越大;从省区间横向比较,省际间政策执行不平衡,应引起关注。 The promulgation of the loan interest discount policy on ethnic trade and national special commodity production has promoted the economic and social development in ethnic regions, but there are also some problems in the implementation of the imbalance. In order to further improve the interest-subsidy fund management of civil and commercial products, relevant policies and standards should be further clarified, the formulation and implementation of policies strictly controlled, and the guidance of relevant policies strengthened. After the promulgation of the loan discount policy on ethnic trade and special commodity production loans, it has played a very good role in meeting the needs of ethnic minorities in producing and selling special goods, strengthening national unity, promoting the economic and social development in minority areas and improving the production and living of ethnic minority people. Meanwhile, It also created jobs and maintained social stability. Through the survey, we find that from the longitudinal comparison of the time series, the central government has made more and more efforts to support it. From the horizontal comparison among provinces and regions, the inter-provincial implementation of the policy is not balanced and should be paid attention.
一《谱定红香传》传奇,近代以前各种曲目文献皆未见著录,今人著录仅见于周妙中女士《江南访曲录要》和郭英德先生《明清传奇综录》。《江南访曲录要》云: A legend of the
<正> 殊卷,原指在清代乡试和会试中,为防止考生舞弊,将举子用墨笔所写的试卷弥封后,交誊录生用硃笔重新誊写的卷子。本文所要论及的殊卷,并不是由誊录生抄写后保存在官府的殊
(二) 余嘉锡先生藏书极多,“但只有明清刻本,而没有宋元珍本。因为他是为读书而买书,……所藏的书凡是四部有用的书和丛书大都具备,与藏书家收藏古本不同。……他是目录学家