海产品天生丽质,无需刻意加工雕琢,便鲜美逼人,因此人们尽可以用最简便自然的方法略加烹调,充分享受其清鲜自然之美,体味“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的意境。 山东海参 原料:水发刺参300克 猪里脊肉50克 鸡蛋1个 香菜、盐、料酒、醋、胡椒粉、葱、姜、酱油、淀粉各适量 制法:1.将发好的海参切成抹刀片:里脊切薄片,放碗内,加蛋清、料酒、湿淀粉拌匀,放入开水锅内氽一下;鸡蛋摊成蛋皮,切丝;葱切成丝,香菜切段。
Natural beauty of seafood, without deliberately carving, it is delicious, so people can use the most simple and natural way to slightly cook, fully enjoy the beauty of its fresh and natural, appreciate the “water out of hibiscus, natural to carving,” the mood. Shandong sea cucumber Ingredients: 300 grams of sea cucumber 150 grams of pork tenderloin 50 grams of eggs 1 parsley, salt, cooking wine, vinegar, pepper, onion, ginger, soy sauce, starch, the amount of system method: Spatula: loin cut thin slices, put the bowl, add egg white, cooking wine, wet starch and mix well, put the pot into the boiling water; egg stall into egg skin, shredded; onion cut into filaments, coriander cut into sections.