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近日,来自中国5所知名大学的校长代表在两会新闻中心接受采访时也表示,对待学术腐败要坚持严肃的立场,决不姑息,必须严惩。发达国家同样存在学术造假和学术腐败现象,它们监管学术腐败的经验教训似有一定的借鉴意义。美图:处置学术不端行为决不手软近几年来,美国曾发生过多起学术不端行为。不过,与一些国家的研究机构处置此事遮遮掩掩相比,美国相关机构在学术不端行为的事前监管以及事后处罚上,基本做到了决不护短、决不手软,尽管尚无法完全遏制类似行为,但也在一定程度上维护了学术界的公平、正义。在美国,科研成果报告能否在知名科学刊物上发表,是评判该成果是否得到认可的重要标志。因此,专业期刊实际上是美国防止学术不端行为造成恶劣影响的重要关口。 Recently, representatives of principals from five well-known universities in China also said in an interview at the Press Center of the two sessions that they must uphold a serious stand on academic corruption and should not tolerate it. They must be severely punished. The developed countries also have the phenomenon of academic fraud and academic corruption. They may have some reference to regulate the experience and lessons of academic corruption. Mito: Deal with academic misconduct will not be soft In recent years, the United States has had many academic misconduct. However, compared with the secrecy of some countries' research institutes in disposing of this matter, the relevant U.S. agencies basically did not protect themselves from any shortcomings or excuses in the prior supervision and after-punishment of academic misconduct, although they are unable to completely curb the situation altogether However, to a certain extent, it upheld the academic fairness and justice. In the United States, whether scientific research reports can be published in well-known scientific journals is an important indicator of whether the scientific achievements have been approved. As a result, professional journals are in fact an important mark for the United States to prevent the adverse effects of academic misconduct.
在古诗教学中,应引导学生进入诗的意境,使其如临其境,如见其人,如闻其声,如嗅其味。  一、提供必要的背景资料  向学生提供诗的背景资料和作者的写作意图,有利于对“意”的认识
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