
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgfg56
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污水处理厂产生的剩余污泥富含产油微生物以及脂质、有机质和氮磷等营养元素,是廉价易得的合成生物柴油的优质微生物油脂原料。目前,国内外采用剩余污泥合成生物柴油主要包含三种利用路径,其一是从剩余污泥中直接提取油脂制备生物柴油,操作简单、成本较低但生物柴油产率不高;其二是将剩余污泥中的产油微生物进行强化发酵培养,提高污泥中微生物油脂含量,再进行提取和甲酯化,能够有效提高油脂产量但需额外培养成本;其三是将剩余污泥进行物理化学、生物预处理转化为小分子物质作为产油酵母和产油微藻的培养基,可有效降低微生物油脂的合成成本,但生产过程较为复杂。三种技术途径各有优缺点和适用范围,未来进行应用时可根据污水处理厂实际情况进行选择。 The surplus sludge produced by the WWTP is rich in oil-producing microorganisms and nutrients such as lipid, organic matter and nitrogen and phosphorus, and is a good microbial oil raw material for cheap and readily available synthetic biodiesel. At present, there are mainly three utilization routes for the synthesis of biodiesel from surplus sludge at home and abroad. One is to directly extract the fat from the excess sludge to prepare biodiesel, which is simple in operation and low in cost, but the yield of biodiesel is not high. The remaining sludge in the oil-producing microorganisms fermented and cultured to improve sludge microbial oil content, and then extracted and methyl esterification, can effectively increase oil production but additional training costs; the third is the remaining sludge physical Chemical and biological pretreatment into small molecules as the medium for producing oleaginous yeast and oil-producing microalgae can effectively reduce the cost of microbial oil synthesis, but the production process is more complicated. The three technical approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages and the scope of application, the future application can be based on the actual situation of the sewage treatment plant to choose.
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汉西污水处理厂一期工程规模为40×10~4m~3/d,出水水质执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)二级标准,原采用A/O(厌氧/好氧)生物处理工艺。改扩建工程总规
同志们: 1997年的自治区化工工作会议今天隆重开幕了.我们这次会议将以党的十四届五中、六中全会精神和中央经济工作会议精神为指导,全面贯彻落实全国化工厅局长会议和自治