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笨,不在于不相信上司,笨在不相信上司后的心理和行为--以受害者自居,拒绝再信任上司。可承担后果的人是谁?度日如年的人是谁?挥别远大前程的人是谁?是你是你还是你。2013年5月10日,阿里巴巴董事局主席马云在“淘宝十周年”晚会上发表卸任演讲,特别感谢了同事们所给予他的信任,并坦言当CEO很难,但是当CEO的员工更难。当CEO不容易,当员工更不容易。职场的艰难解释了为何职场小说风靡一时,甚至热播电视剧也被嗅觉灵敏的作家迅速纂成职场指南并热卖,前有《潜伏在办公室》,后有《甄嬛教会我的36则职场生存术》。从众人对职场暗战话题的津津乐道中,不难看出其内心深处对职场现实的忧虑不安。 Stupid, not lies in not trusting the boss, stupid do not trust the boss after the mentality and behavior - the victim himself, refused to trust the boss again. Who are the people who can afford the consequences? Who are the people who spend their days? Who is the goodbye future? Who are you or are you? On May 10, 2013, Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba’s board of directors, delivered his inaugural speech at the “Taobao 10th Anniversary” party. He thanked colleagues for their trust and admitted that when CEO was hard, but when the CEO’s staff Harder. When the CEO is not easy, when the staff is not easy. The difficult workplace explains why work fiction rage, and even the hit TV series was also sensitive sense of the writer quickly compilation of career guidance and hot, before the “lurking in the office”, after “Zhen Huan taught me 36 workplace Survival surgery” . From the crowd on the topic of resentment in the workplace of relish, it is not difficult to see the depths of their worries about the realities of the workplace.
有一次考试我提前交卷了,老师问我:“为什么你的卷子上有那么多黑点?”我微微一笑,说:“哪里不会点哪里!” There was an examination I submitted in advance, the teacher
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作者依据空斑中和试验( PNT)滴度筛选出25名具有不同中和抗体水平的健康妇女。其中18人出生在美国石人有麻疹史,9人从未感染过麻疹,7人不详。有18人接种过麻疹疫苗(包括5名感染过