Influence of intramolecular substitution reaction of square planar carbonyl rhodium(Ⅰ)cationic compl

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Two cis-dicarbonyl rhodium complexes containing uncoordinated donors have been synthesized, and their IR and XPS data and the influence of their intramolecular substitution reaction on their stabilities have been reported. The intramolecular substitution reaction is reversible. Under the condition of heating and without the protection of CO, the uncoordinated donors substitute the terminal carbonyls on the rhodium to form tetradentated complex. So the rhodium complex will not decompose for the drop of the terminal carbonyls and its stability is enhanced. In atmosphere of CO, it recovers to bidentate complex. Two cis-dicarbonyl rhodium complexes containing uncoordinated donors have been synthesized, and their IR and XPS data and the influence of their intramolecular substitution reaction on their stabilities have been reported. The intramolecular substitution reaction is reversible. Under the condition of heating and without the protection of CO, the uncoordinated donors substitute the terminal carbonyls on the rhodium to form tetradentated complex. So the rhodium complex will not decompose for the drop of the terminal carbonyls and its stability is enhanced. In atmosphere of CO, it recovers to bidentate complex.
美国马萨诸塞州从事生物燃料技术开发的SunEthanol公司于2007年8月下旬宣布,将加大投资使利用独特的天然细菌Q Microbe使纤维素转化为乙醇的技术推向商业化。SunEthanol公司
8月,盛夏的南宁,两辆外型简单爽朗,充满都市气息的X-TRAIL吸引了众多旁观者的目光,这是NISSAN X-TRAIL(奇骏)继深圳、广州、云南、重庆、成都和大连6站后,再次为消费者精心打
那天,我在河畔玩耍,无意将你踩在脚下,我看你奇特夺目,阳光下闪烁着内在的光芒,吸引住我的眼球。于是我将你拾起,带回家中,放在我舒适的床头,决定今生与你为邻。  你真是很普通,普通得不会引起任何人的注意。不过在我眼里,虽然你没有钻石之炫目,水晶之光彩,白玉之温润,可是我总感到你内在的力量,环绕在我的身旁。我总听到你优美的乐音,萦绕在我的耳畔。他们都说石不能言,而我却说石含真趣。他们都说人生无常,而我
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