
来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herangxu
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建国以来,广东省水稻单产、总产都有所提高,但未能彻底改变不高不稳的局面,尤以晚稻增长速度远比早造慢。据1950—1978年二十九年来的统计,全省稻谷平均亩产增长了1.2倍,其中早稻增长1.6倍,而晚稻仅增长1倍左右。近年更有大起大落、晚造低于早造的现象。1976年晚稻单产比早稻减少25%,总产减少17%,这是前所未有的。1970、1974、1975及1978等年单产也是晚稻比早稻低,约相差30—60斤。七十年代后晚稻频繁出现减产和减幅较大的情况,这是五十、六十年代所没有的。晚稻减产的原因很多,但从灾害性天气来说,除台风以外,主要是寒露风的冷害。因此,系统地对寒露风气候进行分析,认识其出现规律,对我省晚稻高产稳产具有重要意义。 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the yield per unit area and the total output of rice in Guangdong Province have risen. However, it has not completely changed the unstable situation. In particular, the growth rate of late rice is much slower than that of the early rice. According to statistics from 1950 to 1978 in the past 29 years, the average per mu yield of paddy in the province increased by 1.2 times, of which the growth of early rice was 1.6 times, while that of late rice increased only by 1 time. In recent years, more ups and downs, late to make less than the early creation of the phenomenon. The yield of late rice in 1976 was 25% lower than that of the early rice and the total output was reduced by 17%. This is unprecedented. The yields of 1970, 1974, 1975 and 1978 were also lower in late rice than in early rice, with a difference of 30-60 kg. The late 1970s saw frequent decreases and declines in late rice, which were not available in the 1950s and 1960s. There are many reasons for the late yield reduction in late rice. However, in the case of disastrous weather, cold typhoons, mainly cold typhoons, are the exception to the typhoon. Therefore, it is of great significance to systematically analyze the climate of the cold dew and recognize the appearance of it. It is of great significance to the high and stable yield of late rice in our province.
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