Fuzzy Service Aware Adaptive Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Algorithm

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziwen74
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Based on the service characteristics and the sensing ability for secondary users, a joint optimization scheme of spectrum detection and allocation is investigated to expand the available sensing region and allocate the Qo S-specified channels. On the aspect of spectrum detection, due to the available detection index with the global detection metrics, cooperation thresholds are adaptively adjusted to select the cooperative model for maximizing the available sensing region. On the aspect of spectrum allocation, for different service category, the idle channels are efficiently allocated that depend on their stability and available bandwidth. Meanwhile, based on the requested rates defined by fuzzy theory, the secondary users can be divided into two categories, i.e.,delay sensitive service and reliability sensitive service. Finally, the Qo S-specified channels from the targeted spectrum subset are allocated to secondary users. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm can not only expand the available sensing region,but also decrease the outage probability of delay sensitive services. Additionally, it enables stable power consumption in the time-variation channel. Based on the service characteristics and the sensing ability for secondary users, a joint optimization scheme of spectrum detection and allocation is investigated to expand the available sensing region and allocate the Qo S-specified channels. On the aspect of spectrum detection, due to the available detection index with the global detection metrics, cooperation thresholds are adaptively adjusted to select the cooperative model for maximizing the available sensing region. On the aspect of spectrum allocation, for different service categories, the idle channels are efficiently allocated that depend on their stability and available based on the requested rates defined by fuzzy theory, the secondary users can be divided into two categories, ie, delay sensitive service and reliability sensitive service. Finally, the Qo S-specified channels from the targeted spectrum subset are allocated to secondary users. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm can not onl y expand the available sensing region, but also decrease the outage probability of delay sensitive services. Additionally, it enables stable power consumption in the time-variation channel.
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