
来源 :中国石油企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaifeng_chen
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思想政治工作是党的工作的重要组成部分,抓好思想政治工作是办好一切事情的保障。善于做思想政治工作,通过思想政治工作提高人民群众的觉悟,激励人民群众为实现自己的根本利益而奋斗,是我们党的传家宝,任何时候都不能丢。党的十七大报告指出:科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。科学发展观,是统领我国经济社会发展全局的根本指针,也是企业思想政治工作的行动指南。特别是随着企业改革的不断深化,经济关系的迅速转换以及利益格局的深入调整,企业思想政治工作面临着来自信息网络、意识形态以及企业内部诸多矛盾的挑战。应对挑战,化解矛盾,思想政治工作必须针对企业的工作、环境、任务、内容、渠道和对象变化的特点,不断总结和探索学习、渗透、疏导的新办法新经验,对思想政治工作的内容、形式作全面的研究和改革,让思想政治工作产生出实实在在的成效,为企业改革发展稳定提供坚强的思想政治保障。 Ideological and political work is an important part of the party’s work. Doing a good job in ideological and political work is the guarantee for doing a good job of everything. Being good at doing ideological and political work, improving the awareness of the masses through ideological and political work, and encouraging the people to strive for their own fundamental interests are the heirlooms of our party and can not be thrown away at any time. The report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC pointed out: The scientific concept of development must take the development as the first principle, people as the core, and the basic requirements as a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. The fundamental approach is to take all factors into consideration. The scientific concept of development is the fundamental guideline that guides the overall economic and social development in our country and is also the guideline for the operation of ideological and political work in enterprises. Especially with the deepening of enterprise reform, the rapid transformation of economic relations and the further adjustment of the pattern of interests, the ideological and political work of enterprises is faced with many challenges from the information network, ideology and many internal conflicts within the enterprise. To deal with the challenges and resolve the contradictions, the ideological and political work must constantly sum up and explore the new experiences of learning, infiltrating and diverting the new measures in light of the characteristics of the work, environment, tasks, contents, channels and changes of the enterprises. The contents of ideological and political work, Form a comprehensive study and reform so that ideological and political work can produce real results and provide strong ideological and political guarantee for the reform, development and stability of enterprises.
就瞿秋白的序言的历史意义,上面已说.可是现在再来看,还是有需要重新探讨的部分.rn比如,在的末尾,瞿秋白指出鲁迅杂感的四个特征, 作为“非常宝贵的革命传统”,其内容基本上