Surface wave propagation over slowly varying media of topography and non-uniform three-dimensional c

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunashelly
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The influence of ambient current fields on the mild-slope approximation is reassessed using the Hamiltonian variational principle. Considering the slowly modulated non-uniform currents which may possess both vertical and horizontal variations, the extended mild-slope equation for surface waves propagating over slowly varying topography is derived. It is found that for large current velocities comparable to the wave celerity and the group velocity?the extended mild-slope equation is valid. For the validity of the geometric optics-approximation, additional conditions concerning current fields should be satisfied. The influence of ambient current fields on the mild-slope approximation is reassessed using the Hamiltonian variational principle. Considering the slowly modulated non-uniform currents which may possess both vertical and horizontal variations, the extended mild-slope equation for surface waves propagating over slowly varying The is found that for large current velocities comparable to the wave celerity and the group velocity? the extended mild-slope equation is valid. For the validity of the geometric optics-approximation, the additional conditions concerning current fields should be satisfied.
意大利学者R izzetto[1]等在1977年用荧光抗体染色法检查1例慢性HBsAg携带者的肝组织细胞,发现细胞核内有与抗HBc发生反应的物质,但又与乙型肝炎三个抗原抗体系统不同,他们
我们采用含咽乙胺丁醇的方法治疗喉结核10例,取得满意的效果,现报告如下. 一、一般情况:20例喉结核患者中,年龄最小18岁,最大65岁;男9例,女11例.局部涂片结核菌阳性14例,活
丙硫苯咪唑是一种跨纲广谱抗蠕虫新药,由美国Smith kline&French 公司于1975年研制合成。该药首先在兽医用于驱虫治疗,继而用于临床治疗各种蠕虫病人,均取得良好疗效。1979