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国家计委会同国家统计局等单位,在六七两个月联合进行统计执法执行情况大检查,最近公布了检查结果,共查出违法行为6万件,其中,虚报、瞒报、伪造数据占70%以上。在主要统计指标中,多为虚报工业产值,瞒报出生人口;在农民平均收入方面,贫困地区多是瞒报,而发达地区则多为虚报;基建投资额许多地方也多瞒报。 有些官员运用手中的权力干预统计工作,明里暗里做指示,以权定数,弄虚作假,谎报工业产值,编造政绩,升官晋级。有些地方定了土政策,凡乡镇企业产值超亿元的,乡镇头 The State Development Planning Commission and other units of the National Bureau of Statistics jointly conducted a grand inspection of the implementation of statistical law enforcement in June-July. They recently released the inspection results and found 60,000 illegal activities. Among them, false, concealed and counterfeit data accounted for More than 70%. Among the major statistical indicators, most of them are false industrialized value and concealed the birth population. In the average income of peasants, most of the poverty-stricken areas conceal their claims while in the developed areas they are mostly false reports; and in many parts of infrastructure investment, they conceal more. Some officials use their power to intervene in statistical work, so as to instruct them both in the dark and in the wrong direction, in order to determine the number of deeds, to resort to fraud, to misrepresent the industrial output value, to create political achievement, and to promote promotion. In some places, the soil policy has been set. Where the output value of township and village enterprises exceeds 100 million yuan, the head of the township will be the head
“花之春一花卉、绿植与园林设施设备专业展(F LoWER SPRING印ec剧zedExhibiriono于F考oweroornarnenta一尸一ants Gardening任日uipmenr and supplies)SIBDACHA.GO SUMM印园
据海关总署统计,全国 7 月份进口农药 1812 吨,同比减少36.2%,用汇 992 万美元,同比减少3.5%。全国 7 月份出口农药 31768 吨,同比增长 23.7%,创汇 9689 万美元,同比增长43.0
太原市河西区从1990年在街道办事处普及了统计工作站以来,11个统计工作站连续三年整理编印了《统计年鉴》。 《年鉴》本着“信息量大,实用性强”的原则,及时反映了本地区的